
July is Healthy Vision Month

July is Healthy Vision Month

News & Blog

July is Healthy Vision Month

July is here and that means it is time to celebrate Healthy Vision Month. If you have not had your eyes checked in the past year, now is the time to have them examined by a professional. Those who provide care for patients who have vision issues should be particularly mindful of their needs this July and beyond.

Accompany Your Patient at an Eye Exam

When was the last time your loved one with visual impairment(s) visited with the eye doctor? Pose this question and schedule an appointment if your loved one has not been to the eye doctor in the past six months to a year. Accompany your family member to the appointment, bring all the medical records, and pay close attention so you remember everything the eye doctor mentions.

Make the Interior of the Home as Safe as Possible

Perform a walk-through of your family member’s home to ensure no impediments are in the way. Try to envision what the home looks like from the perspective of an individual with vision issues. Eliminate all the clutter, junk, and sundries. Close all doors, drawers, etc.

Make It Easy to Access Medication

Your loved one’s medication should be well-organized so he or she can quickly and easily access the specific medications necessary for each day. If your loved one can see the letters that represent the individual days of the week on a weekly medication holder, use one of those. Ideally, the entire week’s worth of medication will be laid out ahead of time. You can also help by reading off the expiration dates of medicine to your loved ones so they can anticipate when replacement will be necessary.

Healthy Vision Month

Be Mindful of Visual Health

If you notice your family member’s visual health is declining, try to get a sense of how bad it is and how rapidly the decline is occurring. Tilting the head and squinting in an attempt to focus, knocking things over, walking with hesitancy, missing objects when reaching for them, and no longer doing regular activities are all indications that eyesight is diminishing. Adjust accordingly, increase your level of assistance, and schedule an eye exam for your loved one as soon as possible.

Lean On a Low Vision Specialist for Assistance

You don’t have to do it all on your own. The assistance of a low vision specialist with the experience and knowledge necessary to tailor solutions for each visually impaired patient will greatly improve your loved one’s quality of life. This professional knows all about the aids for low vision and how to use them properly. There might even be vision rehab programs with mental health services available as well.

Aurora Home Care & Hospice Is On Your Side

Our Philadelphia home care services providers are a call away. Reach out to us today to set up home care at your home or the home of a loved one. Our team is here to keep you independent, autonomous, happy, and healthy. You can reach us by phone at 215-354-4444. If you prefer to contact us by email, send a message to info@auroraathome.com.

We take processes apart, rethink, rebuild, and deliver them back working smarter than ever before.