
How to be a Caregiver to Someone who Suffered a Stroke

How to be a Caregiver to Someone who Suffered a Stroke

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How to be a Caregiver to Someone who Suffered a Stroke

Now that your loved one has suffered a stroke, your life will change in several ways. The stroke might have left your parent or grandparent partially paralyzed. Perhaps he or she needs home care from a local Philadelphia healthcare specialist. You can do your part to improve your loved one’s quality of life by following the tips below.

Be Prepared to Help With Daily Activities

Strokes have the potential to cause extensive physical challenges and even some mental problems. Your loved one might be impaired both in terms of mobility and cognition. You can help this individual make it through the day by providing ongoing care including lending assistance with preparing meals, using the bathroom, dressing, bathing, eating, etc.

Pay close attention to your loved one after he or she is discharged from the hospital and you will greatly decrease the chances of hospital readmission. The last thing you want is for your discharged parent or grandparent to end up right back in the hospital. Give your all in terms of lending assistance with everyday activities or lean on Aurora’s Philadelphia home care aides to provide such assistance and you will rest easy knowing your loved one has a good chance of bouncing back from this unfortunate event without returning to the hospital.

Recognize That Rehabilitation Might be Necessary

Most stroke victims improve within the initial six months following the stroke. This is precisely why it is prudent to begin rehabilitation in a timely manner following the stroke. Transport your loved one to and from rehab sessions. It will also help if you attend these therapy sessions for the ongoing support that propels your loved one to a timely recovery.

How to be a Caregiver to Someone who Suffered a Stroke

Encourage a Healthy Lifestyle

Though unlikely, there is a chance your loved one will suffer another stroke that leads to even more health problems. You can do your part to prevent a second stroke by encouraging the stroke victim in your life to live and eat healthily. Though there are certainly genetic risk factors that hike the chances of suffering a stroke, lifestyle is even more important.

Encourage your loved one to eat healthy and be physically active. It will also help to minimize alcohol intake and quit smoking. Furthermore, you can do your part to expedite a full recovery and prevent a subsequent stroke by encouraging your loved one to take his or her medications and make it to all doctor appointments on time as scheduled.

Consider Joining a Philadelphia Support Group

Joining a support group for stroke victim caregivers will help you learn more about this unique challenge, ultimately empowering you to provide your loved one with the best possible care. An added bonus is this group setting gives you a chance to vent and learn from others who are going through the same experience.

Aurora Homecare & Hospice is a Call Away

Have you or a loved one suffered a stroke? Whether you are dealing with the aftermath of a stroke or another health challenge, our team is ready and willing to help. We provide home care, hospice care, pediatric care, and even a VetAssist program. Give us a call today at (215) 354-4444 to coordinate care for yourself or your loved one.

We take processes apart, rethink, rebuild, and deliver them back working smarter than ever before.